Kamloops Invasion

The VCXC Crew (and friends) made the long trek up to Kamloops this past weekend for the BC Interior Cross CactiCross double-header. Despite the name, there were no cacti to be found. Kudos to the course designers for maximizing space usage; although the park we were in was quite small and required a lot of doubling back, the course flowed well and never felt like we were sprinting down a series of dead straights into hairpins. Intermittent rain on day one left made for some greasy corners in the latter races, but things dried up and turned things quite tacky for day two. The beach sand along the river was, dare I say, the perfect consistency: firm, fast, and well-packed in spots and loose enough to let the bikes get drifty in others, and at the same time, not heavy enough to sound like it was imploding my drivetrain.

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